Aminet 7
Aminet 7 - August 1995.iso
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Short: Image processing program v2.1.0 Part 1 of 2
Author: Andy Dean and Graham Dean
Uploader: adean@eleceng.ucl.ac.uk
Type: gfx/conv
This document applies to version v2.1.0 of ImageStudio which is
Copyright (C) 1994,1995 Andy Dean and Graham Dean.
Important Points
o The Aminet distribution of ImageStudio comes in two
archives named "ImageStudio_1.lha" and
"ImageStudio_2.lha". Both archives are needed for a
full installation, although "ImageStudio_2.lha"
currently only contains the documentation.
o "ImageStudio_1.lha" should be de-archived onto a FFS
floppy disk named "ImageStudio_1" and similarly for
the "ImageStudio_2.lha" file in order for the install
script to work correctly.
o Registered users of v1.x.x of ImageStudio can upgrade
to a fully functional version 2.0.0 from this
New for v2.1.0
o Fully font sensitive interface.
o Modular loaders and savers.
o Added GIF save with interlacing and transparent colour.
o Improved IFF-ILBM loader/saver (faster and handles stencils).
Brief description
ImageStudio is written for the casual graphics user who wishes to
convert or manipulate various graphics formats on a modest Amiga
system. There are several commercial offerings available, however the
casual user is paying a lot of money for many facilities and options
they would probably never use.
Bitmap graphics, by their nature, usually require large amounts of
RAM. One of the main objectives of ImageStudio was to reduce this
burden by utilising virtual memory - most users have more spare hard
disk space than spare RAM.
ImageStudio works with several buffers at any one time (dependant on
how many levels of undo are specified), each of these buffers can hold
either colour-mapped or 24-bit images.
ImageStudio comes with a fully featured ARexx port, which allows the
writing of macro scripts to automate repetative processes and also
allows communication with other ARexx aware programs. Again, ARexx has
the reputation of being "something pretty difficult", so we've
simplified the use of ARexx in ImageStudio by allowing the user to
create, edit and run scripts entirely within ImageStudio - ImageStudio
even provides a blank template as a starting point for each new script.
Machine requirements
ImageStudio requires the following system to run:
* Workbench 2.04 or above.
* Around 1 megabyte of free memory.
* Several megabytes of free hard disk space.
If ImageStudio is run on an AGA machine (A1200 or A4000), it will
use the new display modes and palette routines to improve the quality
of the internal viewer images.
List of features
* Full 24-bit image buffers, with optimizations for colour-mapped
(palette based) images.
* Up to 100 levels of undo / redo.
* User configurable virtual memory.
* Fully font sensitive interface.
* Fully featured, easy to use, ARexx interface.
* User saveable preferences.
* Operations applicable to the whole image or a selected region.
* Up to 256 greyshade preview window (with optional dither).
* Zoom on preview window.
* Internal / external viewers (external for third party 24-bit
graphics cards).
* Loading / saving / manipulating of AGA image formats (e.g. 256
colours, HAM8) on non-AGA machines.
* Max image size of 32000 x 32000 (cropped to 250 x 250 in the
unregistered version).
* Copy / paste to / from the system clipboard.
* Runs on all Workbench 2.04+ Amiga's - utilises AGA chipset if
* Online AmigaGuide help, as well as ASCII, TeX `.dvi' and
PostScript documentation.
* Multi-level help error requesters.
* Standard Workbench2 interface.
* Public screen.
* Requires no third party libraries or utilities.
* IFF-ILBM formats (Standard palette based, HAM6, HAM8, extra
halfbright, ILBM24)
* GIF (conforming to GIF87a and GIF89a)
* JPEG (conforming to JFIF standard)
* Targa
* IFF-ILBM formats (Standard palette based, HAM6, HAM8, extra
halfbright, ILBM24)
* GIF (including interlacing and transparent colour)
* JPEG (conforming to JFIF standard)
* Targa
Colour Balance:
* All operations are available to the R,G,B components separately.
* Brightness ( upto ±100%)
* Contrast (non to full)
* Gamma ( + and - )
* Many supplied convolution filters.
* User definable convolutions, load and save to disk.
* Built in effects: Dynamic range expansion, FlipX, FlipY, RollX,
RollY, Negative, Greyscale, Highlight, Shadow, Random, Pixelize,
Remove isolated pixels.
* Crop to selected region.
* Increase / decrease scale by percentage or absolute image size.
* Simple scale or colour averaged.
Colour reduction:
* Increase colour mapped images to 24-bit.
* Decrease number of colours in 24-bit or colour mapped images via
Heckbert median cut algorithm.
* Dithers available for colour reduction: None, Floyd-Steinberg,
Burkes, Stucki, Sierra, Jarvis, Stevenson-Arce.
* Edit palette colours and ranges.
* Save current palette.
* Force palette onto current image, dithering if necessary (all
dithers available).
Shareware version
To encourage users to register, the freely distributable version of
ImageStudio will crop pictures to 250x250 pixels. All other operations
are available.
The authors
ImageStudio is written by Andy Dean and Graham Dean.
Queries and orders should be sent to Graham at:
Graham Dean,
14 Fielding Avenue,
SK12 1YX
Andy can be reached for queries (no orders) via Internet Email at:
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
19888 11959 39.8% 19-Apr-95 22:31:46 Award.ilbm
922 517 43.9% 13-May-95 15:04:26 Award.ilbm.info
3397 3397 0.0% 09-Mar-95 13:05:44 Convolves.lha
388 236 39.1% 13-May-95 15:04:30 Disk.info
5142 2183 57.5% 21-May-95 16:48:48 HISTORY.txt
463 241 47.9% 13-May-95 15:04:28 HISTORY.txt.info
129552 129552 0.0% 21-May-95 16:53:28 ImageStudio000.lha
127848 127848 0.0% 21-May-95 17:28:26 ImageStudio020.lha
11991 3086 74.2% 14-May-95 23:49:58 Install
700 350 50.0% 14-May-95 23:55:34 Install.info
115144 60009 47.8% 12-Jan-93 15:50:22 Installer
69066 69066 0.0% 21-May-95 17:21:34 IO000.lha
67699 67699 0.0% 21-May-95 17:06:32 IO020.lha
62932 37300 40.7% 10-Aug-93 13:58:50 +amigaguide.library
17040 11353 33.3% 27-Nov-93 18:44:34 LX
7388 3201 56.6% 13-May-95 10:33:36 NEWS.txt
463 232 49.8% 13-May-95 15:04:28 NEWS.txt.info
934 934 0.0% 09-Mar-95 15:20:26 Palettes.lha
7904 5104 35.4% 08-Mar-95 13:27:36 pcefis
174945 174945 0.0% 09-Mar-95 13:10:56 Pics.lha
1198 624 47.9% 15-May-95 17:02:42 README.txt
463 235 49.2% 13-May-95 15:04:28 README.txt.info
18034 18034 0.0% 21-May-95 16:55:20 Rexx.lha
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
843501 728105 13.6% 22-May-95 23:15:22 23 files